Today's Lunar Phase: Waning Crescent Moon
Energy of the Waning Crescent Moon: A Guide for Your Witchcraft Practice
As we recover from our Autumn Equinox celebrations, I thought it would be a good time to discuss our current moon phase. For some reason - keeping track of the attributes of the moon phases was difficult for me when I was a Neophyte. I want to create a simple go to for you as we pass through each phase to use as a resource, especially those of you that are in the beginning stages of your Witchcraft journey. Today, we are being blessed by the Waning Crescent Moon, this is the time to turn inward, reflect, and release. This phase invites us to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for new growth and transformation in the future. Please remember to be kind to yourself during this time - if you're doing deep introspection, it can be exhausting, be mindful and make space for your body and soul to recover from all the hard work you're putting in. If you read my last post, you know that Autumn Equinox is also a time for letting go. The let it go vibe is on steroids right now - take advantage of it! I'm excited for you to explore with me the ways that I choose to harness the energy in my practice of this lunar phase.
Waning Crescent Moon Basics
The Waning Crescent Moon, which occurs just before the New Moon, symbolizes the closing of a cycle. It’s a time of reflection, contemplation, and release. As the moon’s light diminishes, we release old habits, emotions, and energies that hinder our progress. This phase encourages introspection and prepares us for new beginnings.
Themes to focus on:
Release: Let go of emotional baggage, negative influences and people, and habits that we want freedom from.
- Reflection: Take time to contemplate your past actions and their outcomes, your social circle, behaviors.
Cleansing: Purify your life: space & spirit. Focus intentions to make way for renewal.
Rituals and Practices for the Waning Crescent Moon
Release Ritual:
What You Need: Ribbon or string, athame or scissors.
Instructions: In sacred space - contemplate your current state - emotional - spiritual - social, everything that makes you, YOU! Do you have habits you've been wanting to walk away from? People who are keeping you stagnant? Items in your home that tie you to a version of yourself that is no longer or time in your life that is traumatic or painful. As you think of the things that you want to let go of - tie a knot in the ribbon. Each knot should represent something you want to release. When you feel like you've done a thorough inventory, it's time to free yourself from that which binds you. Now, take your scissors or athame and cut between the knots - symbolizing you being cut free of the bondage of these things. Visualize yourself as free, surrounded by a glowing light, feeling calm and whole.
Cleansing Bath:
What You Need: Epsom salt with lemon essential oil and herbs of lavender and rosemary (this is what I use- if you have a combo you like better - please use what you prefer).
Instructions: Create a sacred space in your bathroom before you even fill the tub. Then, draw a warm bath and add the Epsom salt, oil and herbs. Take this time to meditate and ask the universe to show you areas in which growth is needed, where you need to let go of things you may not even be aware of. As you soak, visualize the water washing away all of these things - the negativity and the stress and invite peace and light into your spirit.
- What You Need: A journal and your favorite writing instrument.
- Instructions: Reflect on the past lunar cycle. What did you accomplish? What challenges did you face? Was it a particularly difficult season for you? Why? Write about the lessons learned and what you are ready to release. This reflection can help you set clearer intentions for the upcoming New Moon.
What You Need: A space that is cluttered or an area of your life that needs a good cleaning.
Instructions: This activity doesn't only pertain to physical space. I firmly believe that all aspects of our lives need to be looked at - we have cobwebs lurking everywhere folks! Your social circle, your daily habits, your spiritual family, your relationships, your career as well as all of the physical spaces that you inhabit. You can go big (your yard) or small (your junk drawer) no space is too small to start! If your focus is on your physical space, spend some time decluttering and organizing. If you're focusing on another aspect of your life - this can be a very emotional process. Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself where the negativity lurks, what/who do you avoid, what/who makes you uneasy, are they there to help you grow or are they preventing growth? Where do you feel like you're taking a beating from? As you clear out physical items, visualize the emotional ties you've had to the items and release any hold they have on you. If you're doing emotional work - visualize letting go of all that energetic clutter, making space for growth, new ideas, a different way of thinking and to people who soothe your soul and help you learn. Consider donating the items you no longer need and consciously taking a break or releasing people and behaviors that aren't in line with your spiritual goals.
Connecting with the Waning Crescent
For deep connection with the Waning Crescent Moon, spend some time outside, under the glow, skin to skin as it were (abiding all laws, of course). Meditate on your intentions for release, allowing the moon’s energy to guide your thoughts. Soak in the perfect love, feel the energy, the guidance that is freely available to you. Visualize yourself and your life - the areas where you've decluttered - what they look like in the next phase. Project gratitude for all the Universe has provided and gratitude to yourself for all the hard work you're doing.
Final Thoughts
I hope that these ideas are useful to you and help you have a better understanding of the Waning Crescent Moon. Enjoy this sacred time of letting go and preparing for new beginnings. Embrace the release and trust that the universe has wonderful things in store for you. Brightest Blessings!
{Image source: amazingsky.com}